Keeping the Illawarra’s runners on track!

Running, while being one of the most natural forms of exercise, can also be demanding on the body.

The repetitive impact and the need for consistent biomechanical efficiency mean that runners, whether amateur or professional, are susceptible to a range of injuries.

At South Coast Health Hub, we understand the intricacies of a runner’s body and the unique challenges you face. Our Injury Clinic is designed to address these challenges head-on.

Event Details:

📅 When: First Thursday of every month, 8am – 10am.

📍 Where: South Coast Health Hub, 65 Auburn St, Wollongong.

What’s Included

Free Assessment and Diagnosis

Why is it Important?
Before any treatment or management plan can be devised, understanding the root cause of the problem is crucial. A misdiagnosed injury can lead to incorrect treatments, prolonging recovery, and potentially causing further harm.

What We Offer:

  • Detailed Consultation: Our senior physiotherapist, Pete Naseby, will sit down with you to discuss your running habits, injury history, and any specific concerns.
  • Physical Examination: This involves a hands-on assessment of the injured area, as well as other parts of the body that might be contributing to the problem.
  • Gait Analysis: Observing how you run can provide invaluable insights into potential biomechanical issues that could be leading to injuries.
Personalised Management Plans

Why is it Important?

Every runner is unique. From your running style to your physical strengths and weaknesses, a one-size-fits-all approach simply won’t work.

What We Offer:

  • Education: Understanding your injury and the recovery process is empowering. We’ll provide you with knowledge and tools to manage your condition and prevent future injuries.

Referral for Scans if Needed

Why is it Important?
Sometimes, a physical examination might not be enough to understand the full extent or nature of an injury. In such cases, imaging can provide a clearer picture.

What We Offer:

Referral to Trusted Imaging Centres: We have partnerships with leading imaging centers to ensure you get timely and accurate scans.

  • Interpretation of Results: Once the scans are done, Pete Naseby will review the results with you, ensuring you understand the findings and their implications.
  • Integration into Management Plan: The findings from the scans will be integrated into your management plan, ensuring a comprehensive approach to your recovery.

Meet Your Instructor

Peter Naseby


Pete has worked in private practice for the past 10 years and has extensive experience in managing musculoskeletal injuries in both the sporting and everyday setting.

During this time, he developed a special interest in managing vertigo and balance disorders. He has attended several post-graduate courses to further his knowledge and skill in this area.

Pete works closely with GPs, neurologists and ENTs across the Illawarra and Sydney.

Pete was born and raised in Wagga Wagga but now calls the Illawarra home, where he lives with his partner and young daughter.

Ready to take the next step?

Connect with us and let’s chart a path to stronger, healthier running.